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Drum filter ras

Ever ran into a drum? Drums closely resembles a cylinder or tube which also known as a barrel. Did you know that drums are used to clean water in fish farms? This The procedure calls drum filter ras.

The water supply should be as clean and clear when one is feeding fish, to ensure that the environment in which they live makes them develop healthily. Whilst, sometimes some impurities such as dirt or sand and small particles inserted into the water which can cause fish sickness. This is when drum filter ras comes to your rescue.

The drum filter ras is a special machine that used for water filtration. It consists of a drum with mesh screens on it that rotates. When the polluted water passes into the drum, it is advisable that only cleanwater should flow out by means of taking dirt or particle from the mesh screen.

    Advantages of Drum Filter Ras in Fishery

    Drum filter ras, once put in place within a fish farm brings with it numerous other benefits. One of the significant advantages this pipeline brings is efficiency, which can save time and money for fish farmers. Drum filter ras allows optimal growth of fish by maintaining the water environment clean, in a more natural way due to not needing so many continuous changes from our aquariums or ponds.

    Drum filter uses in ras There is another benefit of using drum filters Ras that allow the fish to grow faster. When fish are living in clean water, they will be able to respire better and consume their food more efficiently so that ultimately its rate of growth can increase. This leads to a higher percentage of fish which is saleable, and hence more profitable for the farmers.

    Why choose eWater Drum filter ras?

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