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Fasciatus fish grow-out system project in China

Species: Fasciatus Fish

Project description-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Species: Fasciatus          

Location: Jiangshu Province, China

Fasciatus Aquaculture RAS project is a 300 m3/hour sized recirculating water system

The project has an annual production capacity of 27,000 kilograms, which means it can produce about 74 kilograms of grouper per day.

To maintain water quality, the project uses equipment such as microfilters, high-efficiency oxygen dissolvers, and biochemical filters to filter the water and provide adequate levels of dissolved oxygen, as well as a degassing system to control carbon dioxide levels in the water. 

In addition, the project includes fish ponds and piped sterilizers to provide a suitable growing environment and to control pathogenic microorganisms in the water column. The RAS technology used in this project ensures the recycling of water and the stability of the aquaculture environment, which helps to improve the efficiency of aquaculture and reduce the impact on the environment.

eWater Aquaculture Equipment Technology Limited

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