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Recirculating aquaculture system fish farm

Fish for a healthy future (by aquaculture)

:)Aquaculture is the farming of water. It refers to the breeding of a large number of animal species, including fish and other aquatic animals such as crustaceans, mollusks etc. This method is essential in the creation of high-protein food to feed masses of people. The aquaculture type that is more interesting comparing other one, it's called recirculating aquaculture system fish farming - you might not know what this sentence means and why should be here We shall understand more about the advantages, precautions to be taken, its uses and how it is sustainable with respect to RAS fish farming.

Benefits of RAS Fish Farming

Re-circulating Aquaculture System (RAS) fish farming is a method that allows us to culture fished in tanks with as close to natural conditions while using modern technology. A method centered around recycling and treating water to produce the right kind of environment for fish. What are the advantages of RAS compared to traditional fish farming? One, that the fish produced would be very good in quality and physically healthy which is made possible due to it being a closed-loop system. Because the fish are enclosed and protected from parasitic or bacterial diseases, oncoming predators whilst also cutting back water usage it is sustainable in nature.

RAS Fish Farming Invention

RAS fish farming is incredible in the way it can imitate nature but while remaining fully controlled, and for this reason we believe that if done properly then RAS has a great deal of potential. The high tech system of RAS systems allows water quality, temperature, oxygen content and other such factors to be controlled by operators in order for fish growth to thrive. Moreover, RAS technology enables year-round fish farming as opposed to the traditional mode where growth is limited by season variations and weather conditions.

Why choose eWater Recirculating aquaculture system fish farm?

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