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ras farming

Did you ever wonder what it took to for the fish, all those tiny creatures of our ocean and sea live goods that find themselves on your plate? One interesting avenue, for instance, is a pioneering process known as RAS farming. What sets this revolutionary method apart from traditional farming is that it occurs indoors, in dedicated tanks (versus huge outdoor ponds). The more you look at the benefits that RAS farming can provide, the further it becomes clear:

Space Efficient: One of the most obvious advantages is that RAS farming can flourish in a very small space, which makes it really suitable for urban areas where land availability is barely constrained.

Disease Prevention in RAS Farming

Disease prevention - By originating and practicing farming activities within indoor facilities, RAS farming eliminates the risk of fish falling ill from common outdoor parasites and bacteria.

Benefit #1: It Grows Fish SteadilyConsistent Quality- RAS farming allows constant tracking of water quality and temperature, which enable fish to grow uniformly and healthy.

Why choose eWater ras farming?

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