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240T south America white shrimp,penaeus vannamei indoor shrimp farming system

Species:Penaeus Vannamei

Project description-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Fish Species: Penaeus Vannamei 

Nursery to Grow-out 

Project Annual outcome:  114 tons

Project Energy Consumptions: 50.48 kilo-watts

11,Sep. 2020

Shrimp grow-out ras highlight


60 days from 40mm fingerlings to 25 grams harvesting for marketing

Biomass at stock density: 10 kg/m3 

Project annual outcome: 114 tons (Each RAS 57tons)

Planned 2 Grow-out RAS 

Single Grow-out RAS Parameters

Water volume: 1272m3

Water flow: 400 m3/hour

Water temperature: 26-30 C

Salinity: 5 PPM (could be 3-25 PPM)

Outlet DO: 6 mg/l

PH: 7.0-8.5

TAN: 0. 15 PPM

eWater Aquaculture Equipment Technology Limited

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