
pond with biofilter

A biofilter is a great thing to have in your backyard or garden pond. It will be a tranquil area for people to gather and take in nature. On the other hand, it serves to reduce stress and remove chlorine/nitrate in the pond while improving plant health. Many benefits come from having a pond with built-in biofilter. So, some of the good ones we should explore with me together.

A biofilter is a type of filter that uses beneficial bacteria to purify the water in your pond. The value of these good bacteria is actually very high as they are capable of decomposing waste and other harmful substances which can otherwise dirty the water. The best thing about these bacteria is that they are totally harmless to fish and other things living in the pond. It additionally strains out extra ingredients in the water that are of use to others in one or more ways. That said, the overabundance of nutrients can also lead to problems such as excessive algae growth – remember that your water doesn't need any help turning a green or muddled color.

    How a biofilter keeps your pond pristine

    As water passes through the biofilter, bacteria begins to colonize on it. These bacteria works to help in the break down of waste and turn this into safe materials that will not be harmful for your pond. Reliability aside, reliability of the filter in case of such important task as cleaning a large reservoir is extremely capable on this process that should theoretically be used for good biological filtration.

    This is good for the crap using a biofilter But the best part is that you will not need to rely on those harsh chemicals, which damage nature and all organisms living in bodies of water. These aquatic‐based bacteria are 100% natural to the aquaponic system meaning you do not have to add any extra, which is perfect for your ecosystem.

    Why choose eWater pond with biofilter?



    eWater Aquaculture Equipment Technology จำกัด


