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Recirculating aquaculture

A Novel Way to Grow Fish

But what about recirculating aquaculture? Fish grown for its meat inside a fixed habitat concept widely. In this article we will provide an in-depth examination of the enabling technologies and applications, new technological developments - How RAS are advancing with improvements at a breakneck pace for bio-security measures as well, also the EWater's product such as Ras recirculating aquaculture system. Read on for more details.


In all, recirculating aquaculture is better in nearly every way compared to traditional fish farming. The biggest advantage is that farmers can raise fish in virtually laboratory-style settings. This control has specifics which are things like water temperature, pH levels and what not needed for the best growth in fish. 

Furthermore, its sustainability is far higher compiled to the conventional fish farming (RASFF; 2010), the same as land based recirculating aquaculture systems produced by EWater. 

Why choose eWater Recirculating aquaculture?

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